In November 2018 after having a few local Auckland based monthly catch ups I decided it might be fun to have an end of year event at my house with a few extra people. Well what started small turned into a larger event with 40 people at the Brother NZ offices in Auckland CBD with our amazing guest speaker – Gary Walker, the owner of Echidna Sewing who flew over from Australia to join us.
It was an amazing event full of fun, knowledge and amazing goodie bags and lots of new friendships were made! It was also then, that I came on board as Echidna Sewing’s NZ Manager (if you haven’t read my story about that yet – go check it out).
The support from Brother NZ and Echidna Sewing Supplies was truly amazing and really a demonstration of how many embroiderers there are around New Zealand who are looking to connect with other like-minded people and learn more about machine embroidery.
I now try to have an end of year event every year as there are so many from around the country who need a good excuse to set aside a day to refil their “embroidery inspiration” cup. I also continue to have monthly get togethers in Auckland (which anyone is welcome to come to) – some are coffee catch ups at a local cafe and others are events where we get together and make fun embroidered items.
All upcoming events are listed in the events section of the website and are also sent out via our newsletter (you can sign up for that here). If you’re not yet a member of our Facebook group – come along and join, that’s where a lot of the fun and connection happens!
If I haven’t yet, I hope to meet you at an event soon!